A |
acompte percentage of the price paid in advance, advance payment |
accusé de réception receipt confirming delivery, acknowledgment of receipt. |
acquéreur purchaser |
acte de vente deed of sale |
agence immobilière (real) estate agency, (real) estate agent's office |
agent immobilier (real) estate agent, realtor (amér.) |
antenne de télévision collective community antenna |
appartement meublé furnished flat (brit.), furnished apartment (amér.) |
appartement non meublé unfurnished flat (brit.), unfurnished apartment (amér.) |
appartement vide unfurnished flat (brit.), unfurnished apartment (amér.) |
architecte architect |
architecte conseil consulting architect |
architecte des Bâtiments de France architect registered under Architectes des Bâtiments de France, state-appointed architect responsible for the protection of historical monuments |
architecte en chef des monuments historiques chief architect in charge of historic monuments |
arrêté d'alignement setback ordinance, alignment ordinance |
(une) association de locataires (a) renters' association |
assurance habitation household insurance |
attestation d'acquisition notarial certificate of purchase |
attestation de propriété proof of ownership of a property |
avant-contrat preliminary agreement |
à vendre (expr.) for sale |
B |
bail lease, leasehold |
pendant la durée du bail during the lease term |
renouveler le bail to renew the lease (at the end of each lease term) |
bailleur lessor |
biens immeubles real estate property |
biens meubles personal property |
bon de visite form signed by prospective buyer before viewing a house, property slip |
bureau des hypothèques mortgage registry |
C |
cadastre (n m) 1/ (le registre) survey register(originally for tax purposes, of land division and ownership), land register, land registry |
2/ (l'Administration) survey register office |
caution (rent) deposit |
certificat de simple confirmation certificate of information |
certificat d'urbanisme (CDU) (à ne pas confondre avec le permis de construire) planning certificate, planning permit, outline planning consent |
demander un CDU to ask for a CDU |
certificat opérationnel operational certificate |
charges community and utility expenses (which are not included in the monthly rent) |
clause suspensive conditions that must be met before sales is completed |
coefficient d'occupation du sol (COS) amount of net habitable space |
compromis de vente provisional sales agreement, promise to purchase |
conditions suspensives subject-to clauses, conditions precedent |
constructeur de maison individuelle house builder |
contrat de location rental contract |
co-propriétaire co-owner |
copropriété (l'état) co-ownership, (les biens) condominium |
D |
déclaration d'achèvement des travaux declaration that the work has ended |
déclaration des travaux declaration of building works (not requiring planning permission) |
déclaration d'ouverture de chantier declaration that the work has commenced |
demande de permis de construire building permit application |
dépôt de garantie security deposit |
remboursement du dépôt de garantie reimbursement of the security deposit |
droit de préemption right to buy in preference to others, pre-emption right |
devis estimate of proposed work |
E |
emménager to move in |
emprunt mortgage |
contracter un emprunt to take out a mortgage |
entreprise générale du bâtiment general contractor |
état civil personal information including marital status |
état de l’immeuble property’s condition |
vérifier l’état d'un immeuble to check a property’s condition |
état des lieux physical status of the apartment, inventory (of fixtures) ; (selon le cas) (d'entrée) initial inventory / ingoing inventory, (de sortie) final inventory / outgoing inventory |
faire l'état des lieux to make an inventory of fixtures |
expert immobilier chartered surveyor |
F |
frais d'agence agency fees |
frais de notaire notary's fees |
G |
géomètre (land) surveyor |
H |
habitations à loyer modéré state social housing |
honoraires fees |
huissier (de justice) bailiff |
I |
impôt foncier (sur la valeur du sol) land tax |
impôt foncier (sur la valeur des biens immobiliers) property tax, real estate tax |
J |
jouissance possession, enjoyment |
jouissance exclusive exclusive enjoyment |
jouissance paisible quiet enjoyment |
droit de jouissance right of possession |
entrer en jouissance (de biens, de locaux) to enter into possession (of property, premises) |
privation de jouissance deprivation of possession |
L |
lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt |
envoyé par lettre recommandée sent by registered post |
locataire tenant, lessee, renter |
le nouveau locataire the new renter |
location (donnée) renting, rental (amér.); (prise) leasing |
locaux premises |
logement social state-subsidized housing |
loi Scrivener law that includes a mortgage contingency protection clause |
M |
(le) maître d'ouvrage (the) client, (the) building owner, (the) building sponsor, (marché public) (the) contracting authority |
(le) maître d'œuvre 1/ (la personne) chief architect, engineer for the works, project manager |
2/ (la société) main/prime/lead contractor |
mandat de recherche private agreement giving an estate agent power to search for a property |
marchand de biens real estate broker |
marché immobilier des notaires publication listing properties on auction |
matrice cadastrale register of landowners, register of ownership |
meublé (adj) furnished (anton. unfurnished) |
meublé (n m) furnished apartment (anton. unfurnished apartment) |
notaire (government-appointed) notary, (government-appointed) solicitor |
O |
offre d'achat offer to purchase (a property) |
offre de vente offer to sell (a property) |
P |
permis de construire building permit, planning permission |
faire une demande de permis de construire to apply for / to present an application for a building permit |
accorder un permis de construire to deliver a building permit |
permis de démolir permission to demolish, demolition permit |
obtenir un permis de démolir to obtain a demolition permit |
parcelle plot (of land), parcel (of land) |
plan cadastral land map (brit.), plat (amér.), land boundaries map |
plan de bornage établi par un géomètre boundary map drawn up by a surveyor |
plan d'occupation des sols (POS) area development plan, land-use plan |
se conformer au plan d’occupation des sols to comply with the POS |
plus-value capital gains (on the sale of a property) |
possession trentenaire 30-year residency claim, 30-year adverse possession |
pouvoir proxy, power of attorney |
préavis de départ notice of leaving, move-out notice, vacate notice, termination notice, notice of intent to vacate |
preneur lessee |
prêt immobilier home loan |
procuration proxy, power of attorney |
prolongation de validité (d'un CDU) extension (of the CDU) |
promesse unilatérale de vente unilateral agreement to sell |
promesse synallagmatique de vente bilateral agreement to buy / to sell |
promoteur immobilier real estate developer |
propriétaire 1/ (par rapport au locataire) landlord |
2/ (d'une maison, d'une propriété) owner, proprietor |
2/ (d'une maison, d'une propriété) owner, proprietor |
être propriétaire d'une résidence secondaire to own a second home |
propriétaire-constructeur owner-builder |
propriétaire de maison individuelle home owner |
propriété (le bien) property, estate |
propriété (le droit) ownership |
R |
réception des travaux (par le maître d’ouvrage) handover of the works (to the client), acceptance of works |
remboursements mensuels monthly repayments |
remise des clés handing over of the keys, keys handover |
à la remise des clés at the moment of the handing over of the keys |
résidence principale primary residence, principal residence, chief residence |
résidence secondaire second home |
responsabilité biennale biennial liability, biennial responsibility |
responsabilité civile third-party liability, third-party insurance |
responsabilité décennale decennial liability, decennial responsibility |
S |
société civile immobilière (SCI) non-trading real estate corporation |
sous-location subletting |
sous-louer to sublet |
superficie surface area |
surface hors œuvre nette (SHON) net habitable space |
calculer la surface hors œuvre nette to calculate the relevant SHON |
plus de 170 m2 de surface hors œuvre nette more than 170 sq m net habitable space |
T |
taxe d'habitation tax paid by occupants of a property, tax payable by occupants of a property, dwelling occupancy tax |
taxe foncière property ownership tax |
terrain à bâtir building land |
terrain constructible building land, land designated for construction |
terrain non constructible statutory open land |
(la) TVA (the) VAT tax rate |
U |
usage d'habitation residential use |
V |
valeur cadastrale taxable value |
valeur locative market rental value |
valeur locative imposable rateable value (brit.) |
vendeur seller |
vente sale |
visiter une maison to go over a house, to look over a house, to view a house |
Le 19 novembre 2007 / November 19th, 2007
- Complété le 22 novembre 2007 - 26 janvier 2015 / Augmented on November 22nd, 2007 - January 25th, 2015
This page remains subject to additional edits / La présente page est susceptible d'être modifiée