Epreuve de langue vivante du groupe 17
entre autres, conception de produits industriels, maintenance industrielle, productique mécanique


Durée : 2 heures - Coefficient : 2

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With the production speed and efficiency of today’s workforce, companies are increasingly seeking better qualified employees. Workers are more decentralized than ever before, and government- and corporate-mandated training is on the rise. These challenges, in addition to dwindling training budgets, are causing training managers to seek programs that deliver fast, localized, updated training at an affordable price.

Online training offers “anytime, anyplace, and any pace” instruction. It can be organized and delivered in a consistent format, producing measurable results. Training can be updated regularly to reflect industry standards, helping employees build content mastery and troubleshooting skills. Above all, online training is cheaper, faster, and easier to deliver than conventional training.

Your employees can train at work or at home. All they need is a web-connected computer and they are training instantly. Moreover, your employees can train at their individual pace, enhancing their learning experience and content mastery.

Among the most valuable benefits of online training is the ability to deliver consistent training – every time to every employee. Consistent delivery leads to more accurate training measurements because every employee receives the same instruction, regardless of when or where they train. In fact, online training produces a 60% faster learning curve than instructor-led training alone.

With online training, you can easily and effectively track your employees’ progress from start to finish. You can see your employees’ assessment scores, test scores, and training status. You can also track the strong and weak areas for each worker.

By using online training, you and your employees can receive the latest industry updates and course content related to the rapid changes in your industry. You can easily communicate these updates and keep your training program well-organized.

Overall, online training is easier to use and to deliver to your workforce, saving you time and money. Companies save 40%-60% on training when they use online training instead of classroom training in dispersed locations.

At Industrial Training Zone, we specialize in delivering you a turnkey training program that includes all of the benefits of online training, and more. (339 words)

Adapted from Industrial Training Zone,,


I/ COMPRÉHENSION (10 points)

Rédigez un compte rendu du texte ci-joint. Vous veillerez à restituer tous les éléments importants dans un français de qualité, et indiquerez le nombre de mots utilisés. (180 mots plus ou moins 10%)

II/ EXPRESSION (10 points)

Traitez en anglais les deux questions suivantes :

a/ Explain what the advantages of online training are for employers. Use your own words. (5 points) (about 100 words)

b/ As an employee would you prefer online training to training with an instructor? Justify your answers. (5 points) (about 120 words)

corrigé du compte rendu

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