Epreuve de langue vivante du groupe 17

Après-vente automobile, Conception et réalisation de carrosseries, Constructions navales, Étude et réalisation d'outillages de mise en forme des matériaux, Industries céramiques, Industries des matériaux souples, Industries papetières, Maintenance et après-vente des engins de travaux publics et de manutention, Mécanique et automatismes industriels, Mise en forme des matériaux par forgeage, Moteurs à combustion interne, Productique bois et ameublement, Réalisations d'ouvrages chaudronnés, Traitement des matériaux


Durée : 2 heures - Coefficient : 2

L'usage du dictionnaire bilingue est autorisé

Calculatrices et traducteurs électroniques sont interdits


1 Reykjavik, Iceland (CNN) - For more than 50 years Iceland has been decreasing its dependence on fossil fuels by tapping the natural power all around this rainy, windswept rock of fire.

2 Waterfalls, volcanoes, geysers and hot springs provide Icelanders with abundant electricity and hot water.

3 Virtually all of the country’s electricity and heating comes from domestic renewable energy sources – hydroelectric power and geothermal springs. It’s pollution-free and cheap.

4 Yet these energy pioneers are still dependent on imported oil to operate their vehicles and thriving fishing industry.

5 Iceland’s geographic isolation in the North Atlantic makes it expensive to ship in gasoline – it costs almost $8 a gallon (around $2 a liter).

6. Retired University of Iceland Professor Bragi Arnason has come up with a solution: Use hydrogen to power transportation. Hydrogen is produced with water and electricity, and Iceland has lots of both.

7 "Iceland is the ideal country to create the world’s first hydrogen economy," Arnason explains. His big idea has earned him the nickname "Professor Hydrogen."

8 Arnason has caught the attention of General Motors, Toyota and DaimlerChrysler, who are using the island-nation as a test market for their hydrogen fuel cell prototypes.

9 One car getting put through its paces is the Mercedes Benz A-Class F-Cell – an electric car powered by a DaimlerChrysler fuel cell. Fuel cells generate electricity by converting hydrogen and oxygen into water. And fuel cell technology is clean – the only by-product is water.

10 "It’s just like a normal car," says Asdis Kritinsdottir, project manager for Reykjavik Energy. Except the only pollution coming out of the exhaust pipe is water vapor. It can go about 100 miles on a full tank. When it runs out of fuel the electric battery kicks in, giving the driver another 18 miles. Filling the tank is similar to today’s cars – attach a hose to the car’s fueling port, hit "stars" on the pump and stand back. The process takes about five to six minutes.

11 In 2003, Reykjavik opened a hydrogen fueling station to test three hydrogen fuel cell buses. The public buses could run all day before needing refueling.

CNN international, September 20, 2007.

a fuel cell : une pile à combustible
put through its paces : testé


I/ COMPRÉHENSION (10 points)

Rédigez en français un compte rendu (200 mots environ, +/- 10%). Vous veillerez à dégager les éléments essentiels, dans un français de qualité, et indiquerez le nombre de mots utilisés.

II/ EXPRESSION (10 points)

Traitez en anglais les deux sujets suivants :

1/ What are the advantages of hydrogen fuel cell prototypes in Iceland?. Use your own words. (60 words +/- 10%) (4 points)

2/ Would you accept to buy the Mercedes A-Class F-Cell? Are you ready to make concessions for a greener future when buying a car? (120 words +/- 10%) (6 points)

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© Christian Lassure - EFT
Le 28 janvier 2012 / January 28th, 2012

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