PARLER DES AVANTAGES ET DES INCONVÉNIENTS D'UN PRODUIT, D'UNE MÉTHODE, D'UNE TECHNIQUE, ETC. 1 - ADVANTAGE / AVANTAGE, SUPÉRIORITÉ The advantage of the latter approach lies in the fact that… The machine’s greatest advantage is its interactive user interface The main advantage of laptops over desktop PCs is their portability An additional advantage is the ability to select different types of contacts Speed is not the only advantage to this computer To have an advantage mainly in… This change will bring the user a number of advantages L’adjectif advantageous peut également servir : One of the most advantageous characteristics of the spring is… À la place de advantage on peut employer divers synonymes, le principal d’entre eux étant benefit : An added benefit of our new sealed bearings is… These bearings offer important benefits Il y a aussi le jargonnant plus point (point positif, atout) ou tout simplement plus (pl pluses) : Another major plus point of the system is… Other plus points are the high-quality standards achieved and the reduced number of tools Enfin il y a ace (atout) et trump card (carte maîtresse) : Versatility is the other ace of the NeXT system One of NeXT’s trump cards is user-friendly access to the Unix environment 2 - DISADVANTAGE / DÉSAVANTAGE, INCONVÉNIENT The disadvantage of the touch screen is its passive inquiry technique The main disadvantage of… is degraded accuracy (var. principal disadvantage) The great disadvantage of wood tiles is their susceptibility to fire (var. big disadvantage) The disadvantages of these displays are that they are not always easy to read in certain lighting conditions and their graphics possibilities are often limited to the
simpler, more conventional diagrams There are some disadvantages to consider and they include:… (+ énumération) The disadvantages include:… À la place de disadvantage on peut employer divers synononymes, le principal d’entre eux étant drawback : There is a drawback to using FM systems as they give only textual information in the form of reports The greatest drawback of such programs lies not in themselves but in human nature The drawbacks of these systems are their size, cost and power consumption The drawbacks include increasing the code size, making the program harder to maintain, increasing the likelihood of errors, and consuming more memory For all their sophistication, laptops suffer some drawbacks, especially in terms of display quality and battery life Tanning beds are not withouts drawbacks This approach may have hidden drawbacks Il y a aussi inconvenience (inconvénient), surtout au pluriel : What are the inconveniences of mdern technology? et downside (inconvénient) : There are some downsides to using solar energy et aussi limitation (limite), surtout au pluriel : The use of computers still has its limitations ainsi que problem (difficulté, problème) : Although they offer their users a host of advantages, these systems present a problem to them System maintenance is another problem, inasmuch as… et, plus rare, stumbling block (pierre d’achoppement) : The main stumbling block until now has been the complexity of the Unix system 3 - PRÉSENTATION Pour donner une liste des avantages d’un produit, on peut faire précéder celle-ci du titre Advantages ou Benefits Idem pour les inconvénients : Disadvantages ou Drawbacks ou encore Inconveniences Avantages et désavantages réunis dans une même formulation : Existing methods have both advantages and disadvantages Advantages and Disadvantages of CNC Machines (titre) (var. Advantages / Disadvantages) Advantages and Inconveniences of Living in the Country (titre) The advantages (var. benefits) of nuclear power far outweigh the disadvantages (var. inconveniences) Such a manual would have many advantages and few drawbacks Each process has its own advantages and inconveniences The pluses far outweigh the minuses when it comes to wind power as an alternative energy (var. outstrip)
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