Image Optimizer Help Introduction
Taken from www.xat.com
1 Image Optimizer is designed to allow you to create the smallest possible JPEG, GIF and PNG image files. Savings of up to 50% or more in file size are possible, which can considerably decrease Web page download times, save on disk space and reduce bandwidth charges.
2 Image Optimizer achieves this by giving the user complete interactive control of the entire optimization process, from changing compression settings to the ability to apply these to some areas of the image more than others.
3 This help file covers Image Optimizer – Standard Edition, and Image Optimizer – Professional Edition. Features of the Professional edition are marked with a (P) symbol.
4 The web site now has animated tutorials in Flash, click here. For a quick guide on how to compress an image, click Quick Start.
5 For more detailed information click on a topic below:
- Image Optimizer Workflow
- Opening an image
- Enhancing an image (P)
- Cleaning an Image (P)
- Cropping an Image
- Transforming an image
- Captioning, adding text or an image (visible watermark)
- Digimarc® watermarking an image
- Compressing an image
- Saving an image
- Compressing a batch of images
Digimarc is a registered trademark of Digimarc Corporation
I - Give the order in which the words in the following phrases are to be translated then translate the phrases into French / Donner l'ordre de traduction des empilements suivants puis les traduire en français
1/ Image Optimizer help introduction
2/ the smallest possible JPEG, GIF and PNG image files
3/ Web page download times
4/ complete interactive control
5/ the entire optimization process
II - Find out in the text the words meaning / Trouver dans le texte les mots signifiant
par. 1
- money gains =
- diminish =
- costs =
par. 2
- obtains =
- operation =
- parameters =
- zones =
par. 3
- deals with =
- characteristics =
par. 4
- guides =
par. 5
- subject =
III - Find out in the text the English equivalents for / Trouver dans le texte l'équivalent anglais de
- durée de déchargement =
- mémoire disque =
- bande passante, débit =
- déroulement des opérations =
- découpage, détourage =
- légendage =
- filigrane, filigraner =
- lot = |
To print, use "shrink to fit" mode
Pour imprimer, ajuster à la page
© Christian Lassure - EFT
26th, 2006 / Le 26 avril 2006 - Revised on May 6th, 2006 / Remanié le 6 mai 2006
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