Web Spawns Grid & All Will Change - Corrigé de l'exploitation du texte

I - Which words in the text are synonymous with

- engenders = spawns

par. 1
- will activate, will inaugurate = will throw the switch on
- a progress = a development
- planetary = global
- wrote, inscribed = scrawled
- using = through

par. 2
- the era = the age
- numerical = digital
- advance = step
- computer people = computerkind
- shortly, in a short time = before long
- economical activities, commerce = business

par. 3
- giant = huge
- what quantity of = how much
- calculation capacity = processing power
- hard disk space = gigabytes
- working memory = RAM
- processor clock = gigahertz
- negligible, unimportant = irrelevant
- rudimentary = primitive
- low-cost = cheap
- the US Defense Department = the Pentagon

par. 4
- pick it up = collects it
- the spine = backbone
- connected together = linked together

par. 5
- memory space = storage
- invisible = invisible
- typing into = tapping into
- pocket computer = handheld computer
- yet, nevertheless = still
- infinite = unlimited

II - Questions

a/ What’s the title of the text?
It is "Web Spawns Grid & All Will Change".

b/ From what newspaper is the text taken?
It is taken from the Sydney Morning Herald.

c/ Where is Sidney?
It is in Australia.

d/ Who is Tim Berners-Lee?
He is the inventor of the Internet.

e/ Is the Grid the predecessor of the Web?
No. It is the next generation of the Web / the successor to the Web.

f/ Where are Web pages stored in the Internet?
They are stored in huge servers.

g/ By what will servers be replaced in the Grid?
They will be replaced  by computer centres filled with thousands of PCs linked together.

III - Find in the text the English equivalents for

- la Toile = the Web
- la Grille = the Grid

par. 1
- communications planétaires = global communication
- le Réseau (des réseaux) = the Internet
- ordinateur = computer

par. 2
- communications numériques = digital communication
- le monde des informaticiens = computerkind

par. 3
- serveur = server
- pages sur la Toile = Web pages
- rapatrier = to download
- mémoire = memory
- puissance de traitement = processing power
- gigaoctet = gigabyte

par. 4
- centre informatique = computer centre
- relier = to link

par. 5
- programme = program
- capacité de stockage = storage
- invisible = seamless
- tapoter sur = to tap into
- un ultraportable = a handheld computer
- archiver des fichiers = to store file
- puissance informatique = computer power

IV - Faire le résumé en français du texte (env. 100 mots)

Dans deux semaines aura lieu la plus grande révolution dans le domaine des communications planétaires depuis la naissance de l'Internet : l'avènement de la « Grille », avec comme première étape la mise en réseau de dix laboratoires scientifiques de par le monde.

Alors que l'Internet repose sur de gros serveurs, la Grille reposera sur des centres informatiques abritant des milliers de PC reliés entre eux.

Finie la course aux mégahertz, les abonnés pourront exploiter les programmes, la puissance de calcul et l'espace de stockage de ces centres.

L'ordinateur individuel traditionnel est mort.