More On The Fatal Japan Nuclear Reactor Accident
- Corrigé de l'exploitation du texte
I - Quels sont les mots du texte
synonymes de / Which words in the text are synonymous with
- to examine = to inspect
- to explode = to burst
- to stay = to remain
- to be programmed for inspection = scheduled
- the inside of piping = interior
- at regular intervals = periodically
- to be called = termed
- plant director = manager
- deadly incident = fatal
- to happen = to take place
- authorised = licensed
- that is why = therefore
II - Traduire en français /
Translate into French
- the turbine hall = la salle des turbines
- the pipe walls = les parois du tuyau
- thickness = épaisseur
- thin = mince
- the inescapable lesson = la leçon incontournable
III - Trouver dans le texte l'équivalent en anglais de
/ Find in the text the English equivalents for
- un tuyau de retour = a return pipe
- dans un état grave = in serious condition
- eau sous haute pression = high pressure water
- taux d’usure accéléré = accelerated wear rate
- calculs prudents = conservative calculations
IV - Vrai ou faux ? Justifier sa réponse à l'aide d'une citation /
True or false ? Justify your answer with a quotation
- No worker was killed in the Mihama accident
► False! Four workers were killed.
- The failed pipe had just been inspected
► False! It was scheduled for inspection in November or August.
- A similar accident had never happened before
► False! A similar accident took place in the Surrey Nuclear Power
Station in Virginia in 1986.
- The nuclear industry is aware of the problem of pipe erosion-corrosion
► False! The nuclear industry does not understand as much about
eroson-corrosion as it thought.
V - L’ordre de traduction dans les mots surcomposés /
Translating in the right order
- dans Nuclear Reactor Accident, nuclear se rapporte-t-il à
reactor ou à accident ?
► reactor
- dans quality control manager, quality se rapporte-t-il à
control ou à manager ?
► control
- dans power plant piping, power se rapporte-t-il à plant
ou à piping ?
► plant
- dans pressure water reactor, pressure se rapporte-t-il à
water ou à reactor ?
► water
VI - Écrire les indications chiffrées en toutes lettres en anglais /
Write out the figures at length
- a 50 cm (20 inch) return pipe = a fifty centimeter (twenty inch) return
- on August 14th = on August fourteenth
- the pipe walls measured 10 millimeters in thickness (.4 inches) = the pipe
walls measured 10 millimeters in thickness (point four inches)
- it measured just 1.4 millimeters (.056 inches) = it measured just one point
four millimeters (point o five six inches)
- 1976 - 1986 - 1996 = nineteen seventy-six - nineteen eighty-six - nineteen
- 826 megawatts = eight hundred and twenty-six megawatts