How is Aluminum Recycled?


Abridged and adapted from a Norsk Hydro video voiceover





1 - Aluminum recycling is a crucial component in the pursuit of a perfect circular flow economy.


2 - It enables the transformation of used beverage cans into new beverage cans, and discarded window frames into fresh window frames.


3 - Each year, approximately 36 000 tons of old aluminum window frames contribute to the growing mountain of discarded material.


4 - This waste arises not only from building renovations but also from the increased use of lightweight aluminum in the automotive and electronics industries.


5 - Consequently, there is an urgent need to find effective methods to recycle aluminum efficiently.


6 - The recycling process begins with the use of shears and a conventional shredder to cut up the frames.


7 - Magnetic separators and an eddy current separator are then employed to extract metal screws and  hinges as well as any rubber, wood and plastic components.


8 - The resulting waste contains old aluminum window handles and rivets that are unsuitable for window frame alloys.


9 - To address this issue, those unsuitable materials are sorted out by a special x-ray machine.


10 - A second phase involves re-shredding and sieving the material, optimizing it for the subsequent x-ray machine.


11 - The coarse aluminum parts are meticulously cut into chips measuring four to six centimeters using steel blades that are specially hardened to withstand aluminum’s abrasive nature.


12 - The two shredders have a combined capacity of over 100 tons of aluminum chips per day.


13 - Subsequenly, a screening unit filters out smaller particles, resulting in a homogeneous material flow that facilitates the detection of individual fragments in the subsequent x-ray machine.


14 - The individual parts are examined by powerful x-ray sources with an energy of 160 kiloelectron volts.


15 - To ensure the protection of workers from radiation exposure, the unit is covered with a robust lead shield.


16 - The aluminum chips are spread evenly on a wide conveyor belt with x-ray lamps inspecting them from above.


17 - Simultaneously, an x-ray detector beneath the belt measures the incoming radiation.


18 - This data is used by a computer to differentiate between various alloys and operate a strip fitted with nearly 400 pressurized air jets.


19 - These air jets blow off the unsuitable material at a rate of 100 parts per second.


20 - The grounbreaking technology enables the separation of unsuitable heavy metal alloys which typically constitute about two to four percent of the material, redirecting them to other material cycles.


21 - The majority of the recycled material consists of highly valuable aluminum alloys such as 6060 and 6063 which have been extensively used for window frame production for several decades.


22 - The innovative shredding and sorting technologies allow for the annual recycling of 30 000 tons of this high-quality material which is then easily transported to customers like the Hydro Aluminum Company.


23 - Hydro Aluminum produces approximately 3 000 tons of aluminum billets per year.


24 - These billets serve as a vital primary material for pressing plants where they are used to manufacture aluminum profiles including those for window frames.


25 - The recycled material in the form of aluminum billets is melted down at Hydro’s plant in cockpits through a specialized process.


26 - Extrusion billets measuring approximately 25 centimeters in length are produced.


27 - These billets composed of recycled aluminum and with minimal primary aluminum content are crucial for reducing the environmental impact of the entire production process.





French abbreviations / Abréviations en français : a = adjectif - amér. = américain - adv. = adverbe - brit. = britannique - ind. = indénombrable - inf. = infinitif - litt. = littéralement - mod. = modificateur - n = nom - ortho. = ortographe - pl. = pluriel - plur. = pluriel - prép. = préposition - prop. = proposition  - sing. = singulier - intr. = intransitif - tr. = transitif


Title / Titre - How is Aluminum Recycled?


- to recycle (v) (tr.) = recycler


1 - Aluminum recycling is a crucial component in the pursuit of a perfect circular flow economy.


- aluminum (n) (amér.) = aluminium (noter la différence d'orthographe) (ortho. brit. aluminium)

- recycling (n) = recyclage

- crucial (a) = crucial, essentiel, vital

- component (n) = composant, élément

- in the pursuit of (faux-ami) = dans la quête de, dans la recherche de

- circular flow economy = litt. économie à flux circulaire = économie circulaire


2 - It enables the transformation of used beverage cans into new beverage cans, and discarded window frames into fresh window frames.


- It enables : It reprend Aluminium

- to enable (v) (tr.) = rendre possible, permettre

- used (a) (faux-ami) = usagé

- beverage can = canette à boisson (beverage = breuvage)

- discarded (a) = mis au rebut (du verbe to discard mettre au rebut)

- fresh (a) (faux-ami) = nouveau

- window frame = châssis de fenêtre


3 - Each year, approximately 36 000 tons of old aluminum window frames contribute to the growing mountain of discarded material.


- approximately (adv.) = environ

- old aluminum window frames : old se rapporte à frames

- to contribute to the growing mountain of = venir grossir la montagne de

- growing (a) = croissant

- material (n) = matériau


4 - This waste arises not only from building renovations but also from the increased use of lightweight aluminum in the automotive and electronics industries.


- waste (n ind. sing.) = déchets (pl.)

- to arise (arose, arisen) from (v intr.) = provenir de

- increased (a) = accru

- lightweight (a) = de faible poids, léger

- automotive (a) = de l'automobile

- electronics (a) = de l'électronique


5 - Consequently, there is an urgent need to find effective methods to recycle aluminum efficiently.


- Consequently (adv. mod. phrase) = De ce fait, Pour cette raison

- effective (a) = véritable, concret/-ète, tangible

- to recycle (v) (tr.) = recycler

- efficiently (adv.) = efficacement


6 - The recycling process begins with the use of shears and a conventional shredder to cut up the frames.


- the recycling process = le processus de recyclage (anglicisme), l'opération de recyclage, ou (tout simplement) le recyclage

- shears (n pl.) = cisailles (pl.)

- conventional (a) (faux-ami) = classique, normal

- shredder (n) = déchiqueteuse (du verbe to shred (tr.) déchiqueter)

- to cut up (v) (tr.) = couper en petits morceaux


7 - Magnetic separators and an eddy current separator are then employed to extract metal screws and  hinges as well as any rubber, wood and plastic components.


- magnetic separator = séparateur magnétique

- eddy current separator = séparateur à courants de Foucault

- to extract (v) (tr.) = retirer

- metal screws and hinges : metal se rapporte aux deux noms, screws (= vis) et hinges (= charnières)

- rubber, wood and plastic components : rubber, wood, plastic sont des adjectifs épithètes qualifiant components

- rubber (a) = en caoutchouc


8 - The resulting waste contains old aluminum window handles and rivets that are unsuitable for window frame alloys.


- resulting (a) = qui en résulte, qui en découle

- aluminum window handles and rivets : aluminum window se rapporte au couple de mots handles and rivets

- handle (n) = poignée

- rivet (n) = rivet

- unsuitable (a) = qui ne convient pas (for, à)

- alloy (n) = alliage


9 - To address this issue, those unsuitable materials are sorted out by a special x-ray machine.


- to address (v) (tr.) (faux-ami) = régler, résoudre

- issue (n) (faux-ami) = question, problème

- materials (pl.) : renvoie à handles and rivets supra

- to sort out (v) (tr.) = éliminer (grâce à un tri) (out exprime l'action, sort indique le moyen)

- x-ray machine = machine à rayons X


10 - A second phase involves re-shredding and sieving the material, optimizing it for the subsequent x-ray machine.


- to involve (v) (tr.) = concerner

- re-shredding and sieving the material : the material est complément d'objet direct des deux formes verbales combinées

- to re-shred (v) (tr.) = déchiqueter à nouveau, broyer à nouveau

- to sieve (v) (tr.) = cribler, passer au crible, tamiser, passer au tamis

- to optimize (ortho. amér.) / optimise (ortho. brit.) (v) (tr.) = optimiser

- subsequent (a) = suivant


11 - The coarse aluminum parts are meticulously cut into chips measuring four to six centimeters using steel blades that are specially hardened to withstand aluminum’s abrasive nature.


- coarse (a) = grossier/-ière

- part (n) (faux-ami) = pièce, morceau

- meticulously (adv.) = méticuleusement

- to be cut into = être découpé en

- chip (n) = copeau

- to measure (v) (tr.) = mesurer

- centimeter (n) (ortho. amér.) = centimètre (ortho. brit. centimetre)

- using (prép.) = au moyen de, à l'aide de

- steel blade = lame en acier

- to be hardened = être trempé (inf. to harden)

- to withstand (v) (tr.) = résister à, supporter

- aluminum's abrasive nature (cas possessif) : comprendre the abrasive nature of aluminum

- abrasive (a) = abrasif/-ive


12 - The two shredders have a combined capacity of over 100 tons of aluminum chips per day.


- over 100 tons = plus de 100 tonnes

- per day = par jour


13 - Subsequenly, a screening unit filters out smaller particles, resulting in a homogeneous material flow that facilitates the detection of individual fragments in the subsequent x-ray machine.


- Subsequently (adv. mod. de phrase) = Ensuite

- screening unit = unité de criblage - to screen (v) (tr.) = cribler, passer au crible

- to filter out (v) (tr.) = éliminer (par filtrage) (out exprime l'action, filter indique le moyen)

- particle (n) = particule (noter la différence d'orthographe)

- resulting in a homogeneous material flow (proposition participiale) = ce qui se traduit par..., ce qui donne...

- a homogeneous material flow  : comprendre a flow of homogeneous material

- homogeneous (a) = homogène (autre ortho. homogenous)

- to facilitate (v) (tr.) = faciliter


14 - The individual parts are examined by powerful x-ray sources with an energy of 160 kiloelectron volts.


- to examine (v) (tr.) = examiner

- 160 kiloelectron volts = 160 kiloélectrons-volts (abr. keV) ; l'unité est l'électron-volt (abr. eV)


15 - To ensure the protection of workers from radiation exposure, the unit is covered with a robust lead shield.


- to ensure (v) (tr.) = assurer

- radiation exposure = exposition au rayonnement

- robust (a) = robuste, solide

- lead shield = blindage de plomb

16 - The aluminum chips are spread evenly on a wide conveyor belt with x-ray lamps inspecting them from above.


- to be spread = être étalé (inf. to spread)

- evenly (adv.) = uniformément

- conveyor belt = convoyeur à bande, tapis roulant (belt (n) = bande)

- to inspect (v) (tr.) = inspecter, examiner

- with x-ray lamps inspecting them from above (prop. participiale) = où des lampes à rayons X les inspectent d'en haut


 17 - Simultaneously, an x-ray detector beneath the belt measures the incoming radiation.


- Simultaneously (adv. mod. de phrase) = Simultanément, En même temps

- detector (n) = détecteur, capteur

- beneath (prép.) = sous

- to measure (v) (tr.) = mesurer

- incoming (a) = entrant


18 - This data is used by a computer to differentiate between various alloys and operate a strip fitted with nearly 400 pressurized air jets.


- data (n sing.) = données (plur.)

- computer (n) = ordinateur

- to differentiate (v) (intr.) = faire la différence (between, entre)

- various (a) = divers/-erse

- to operate (v) (tr.) = actionner

- strip (n) = bande

- to be fitted with = être équipé de (inf. to fit)

- nearly 400 air jets = près de 400 jets d'air

- pressurized (a) (ortho. amér.) = sous pression (ortho. brit. : pressurised)


19 - These air jets blow off the unsuitable material at a rate of 100 parts per second.


- to blow off (v) (blew, blown) (tr.) = expulser (off exprime l'action, blow indique le moyen)

- at a rate of 100 parts = à la cadence de 100 pièces

- per second = par seconde, à la seconde


20 - The grounbreaking technology enables the separation of unsuitable heavy metal alloys which typically constitute about two to four percent of the material, redirecting them to other material cycles.


- groundbreaking (a) = révolutionnaire

- typically (adv.) (faux-ami) = généralement, en règle générale

- heavy metal alloys = alliages à métaux lourds

about two to four percent = environ deux à quatre pour cent

- to constitute (v) (tr.) = constituer

- to redirect (v) (tr.) = réorienter (to, vers)

- redirecting them to other material cycles (prop. participiale) (them est mis pour heavy metal alloys)  = en les réorientant vers d'autres cycles de matériaux.

- other material cycles : comprendre other cycles of materials


21 - The majority of the recycled material consists of highly valuable aluminum alloys such as 6060 and 6063 which have been extensively used for window frame production for several decades.


- the majority of = la plus grande partie de

- highly valuable aluminum alloys : highly valuable (= de grande valeur) porte sur alloys

- extensively (adv.) = largement

- decade (n) (faux-ami) = décennie

- have been used for several decades : en français, présent simple + depuis


22 - The innovative shredding and sorting technologies allow for the annual recycling of 3 000 tons of this high-quality material which is then easily transported to customers like the Hydro Aluminum Company.


- innovative shredding and sorting technologies : innovative (= innovant) porte sur technologies

- to allow for = permettre, rendre possible

- high-quality = de grande qualité

- to transport (v) (tr.) = transporter, acheminer

- customer (n) = client

- the Hydro Aluminum Company = la société Hydro Aluminum (formes abrégées : Hydro Aluminum et Hydro)


23 - Hydro Aluminum produces approximately 30 000 tons of aluminum billets per year.


- to produce (v) (tr.) = produire

- billet (n) (faux-ami) = billette

- per year = par an, à l'année


24 - These billets serve as a vital primary material for pressing plants where they are used to manufacture aluminum profiles including those for window frames.


- to serve (v intr.) = servir (as, de)

- primary material = matériau de première fusion, matériau primaire

- pressing plants : comprendre plants for pressing = usines de pressage

- to manufacture (v) (tr.) = fabriquer

- including (prép.) = au nombre desquels / desquelles, dont, y compris

- profile (n) = profilé

- including those for window frames (prop. participiale) = y compris celles pour les châssis de fenêtre


25 - The recycled material in the form of aluminum billets is melted down at Hydro’s plant in cockpits through a specialized process.


- in the form of = sous forme de

- to be melted down = être fondu (inf. to melt down, faire fondre)

- Hydro's plant : cas possessif = l'usine de (la société) Hydro

- cockpit (n) = cabine (de pilotage)

- through (prép.) = grâce à, au moyen de

- specialized (ortho. amér.) (ortho. brit. specialised) = spécialisé


26 - Extrusion billets measuring approximately 25 centimeters in length are produced.


- extrusion (n) = extrusion (introduction sous pression d'un matériau dans une filière pour obtenir un profilé) (verbe correspondant : to extrude = extruder)

- length = longueur


27 - These billets composed of recycled aluminum and with minimal primary aluminum content are crucial for reducing the environmental impact of the entire production process.


- minimal primary aluminum content : minimal porte sur content (n) = teneur ; primary porte sur aluminum (n)

- entire (a) = tout entier / entière




I - The words of recycling / Les mots du recyclage
- Look in the text for the English equivalents of the following French words / Chercher dans le texte supra les équivalents en anglais des mots français suivants

- copeau =

- mis au rebut =

- recycler =

- recyclé =

- recyclage =

- cribler, passer au crible =

- criblage =

- trier =

- tri =

- usagé =

- déchets (pl.) =


II - Look for the English equivalents of the following French words / Trouver les équivalents en anglais des mots français suivants.

A/ Métaux / Metals

- acier =

- alliage =

- aluminium =

- aluminium de première fusion =

- billette =

- caoutchouc =

- plomb =

- spécialement trempé =


B/ Produits manufacturés / Manufactured products

- canette =

- charnière =

- châssis de fenêtre =

- fabriquer =

- poignée =

- profilé =

- rivet =

- vis =


C/ Outils et machines / Tools and machines

- cabine =

- cisailles =

- déchiqueteuse =

- détecteur à rayons X =

- installation de pressage =

- jet d'air sous pression =

- machine à rayons X =

- ordinateur =

- séparateur à courants de Foucault =

- séparateur magnétique =

- unité de criblage =


D/ Composants de machines / Machine components

- bande =

- blindage =

- convoyeur à courroie =

- fragment =

- lame =

- lampe à rayons X =

- particule =

- pièce =


III - Choose the right translation / Choisir la bonne traduction.


- to blow off the material : a/ souffler sur le matériau, b/ expulser le matériau

- to cut up the frames : a/ découper les châssis, b/ déchiqueter les châssis

- to filter out smaller particles : a/ exfiltrer les petites particules, b/ éliminer les petites particules

- to melt down billets : a/ faire fondre des billettes, b/ rétrécir des billettes


IV - Look in the text for the antonyms of the following adjectives / Chercher dans le texte les antonymes des adjectifs suivants.


- fine parts =/=

- light metal alloys =/=

- low-quality material =/=

- narrow conveyor belt =/=

- outgoing radiation =/=

- suitable material =/=


V - Put the following sentences in the passive form / Mettre les phrases suivantes à la forme passive


a - An x-ray detector beneath the belt measures the incoming radiation.


b - A screening unit filters out smaller particles.


c - These air jets blow off the unsuitable material at a rate of 100 parts per second.


d - Hydro Aluminum produces approximately 30 000 tons of aluminum billets per year.



VI - Translate into French the following word sequences / Traduire en français les empilements et les énumérations qui suivent.


a - the automotive and electronics industries =


b - rubber, wood and plastic components =


c - aluminium window handles and rivets =


d - the innovative shredding and sorting technologies =





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© Christian Lassure - EFT

July 4th, 2023 / 4 juillet 2023 - Updated on August 5th, 2023


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