BTS IRIS - SESSION 2004 CORRIGÉ DU DOCUMENT RÉPONSE 1. Fill in the blanks with words taken from the text (4 points, 1/2 point par réponse) a) Household computers are opposed to corporate computers 2. Does electrical and electronic equipment get recycled? Tick the right answer. Justify your answer with 3 sentences from the text. (6 points - 2 points par phrase) YES [ ] NO [x ] - "we don't have the processes in place to sensibly manage the disposal of the old stuff" - "Due to the hazardous content of IT kit, more than 90% of WEEE is land-filled, incinerated or recovered without any pre-treatment" - "a large proportion of various pollutants found in the municipal waste stream comes from WEEE" Also : - "electrical and electronic equipment [are quoted] as growing at three times the rate of municipal waste" - "it's the fastest-growing waste stream in the EU" 3. Fill in the blanks with words taken from the text. (3 points - 1/2 point par mot) Today everybody owns household appliances such as fridges and microwave ovens. The problem is the growth of electronic equipment. Not only do people have more equipment, they replace it more and more often. They want a new computer as soon as their old one has become obsolete, that is within four years. 4. Right or wrong. Justify with a quotation from the text. (10 points - 0 pour une case cochée sans justification - 2 points par réponse correcte) Electronic waste is growing faster than other waste. Using a computer can be harmful for the environment. Lead can be found in electronic equipment. New chemicals are harmless. Few pollutants come from electronic waste. 5. Choose the best title. (1 point) [x ] Electronic Waste: the European Union Strikes Back CORRIGÉ DE LA TRADUCTION Le problème est double. Tout d'abord il y a la quantité pure et simple d'équipements fabriqués pour répondre à la demande du marché en équipements électriques - depuis les téléviseurs, les frigos et les fours à micro-ondes jusqu'aux équipements informatiques. Ensuite, ce sont ces derniers qui posent le plus de problèmes dans la mesure où la recherche-développement évolue à une telle cadence que le renouvellement s'est considérablement accéléré. En d'autres termes / Autrement dit, nous voulons plus de matériel et nous voulons du matériel plus récent, mais nous n'avons pas mis en place les moyens permettant de gérer intelligemment / rationnellement l'élimination du matériel périmé. © Christian Lassure - English For Techies |