Sobbing Frenchman
Recounts Renault Laguna Terror Ordeal
By Lester Haines
Published Friday 18th March 2005
1 In July
last year we reported that a Renault Vel Satis attempted to do away with its
terrified owner when it took him on an hour-long, 125 mph kamikaze Cannonball
Run 1. Renault at the time doubted very much the driver's version of
events – that the car had refused to respond to appeals to slow down a bit.
2 On Wednesday, an innocent jaunt near Rouen
became another page in the chronicle of the Rise of the Machines™ 2
after a Renault Laguna spontaneously decided to subject its master –
accompanied by his five-year-old son – to a forty-kilometre rollercoaster
terror ordeal during which the panic-stricken Frenchman could neither brake,
decelerate nor use the clutch.
3 Mr Gamada later recounted to French daily
Paris-Normandie: "I always take the same route. I'd entered 87 kmph on the
speed regulator because there's a 90 kmph limit on the road. But suddenly the
car locked up. I couldn't do anything... except turn the wheel."
4 A shaken Gamada continued: "I was asked to
do one of three things: disengage the clutch, which didn't work; press the
start button five times – again, nothing; override the speed control box –
still nothing."
5 Gamada at this point contacted his wife
via mobile phone, who in turn alerted the authorities. The police put Gamada in
touch with Renault assistance and – after 40 kilometres – a combination of
clutch, start button and speed regulator manipulation brought the murderous
Laguna to a halt.
6 The local press report notes that "the
offending car is fitted with a mechanical speed regulator – without electronic
control". It rather superbly adds: "It seems probable that the driver was not
able to disengage the lever."
7 We await with delicious anticipation the
explanation of Louis Schweitzer for this latest outrage. Of course, the report
will finger Gamada as the culprit, after which the sobbing victim will be paid
off with a family trip to Disneyland Paris.
(1) A 1981 film about a cross-country car race.
(2) A film also known as Terminator 3.
© The Register
par. 1
an hour-long, 125 mph kamikaze Cannonball Run : ordre de
traduction :
1 - Cannonball Run (titre de film)
2 - kamikaze
3 - hour-long
, (virgule)
4 - 125 mph |
par. 2
a forty-kilometre rollercoaster terror ordeal : ordre de
traduction :
1 - terror ordeal (avec a/ ordeal, b/ terror)
2 - rollercoaster
3 - forty-kilometre |
par. 4
"disengage the clutch, which didn't work" : which = ce
qui |
par. 5
clutch, start button and speed regulator manipulation : ordre
de traduction :
1 - manipulation
2 - clutch
, (virgule)
3 - start button
4 - speed regulator, avec a/ regulator, b/ speed |
I - Which words in the text are
synonymous with / Quels sont les mots du texte synonymes de |
- crying aloud = (one word)
- to relate, to tell =
- painful experience = (one word)
par. 1
- to try =
- to question =
- to react =
par. 2
- a ride =
- affected with panic =
par. 3
- afterwards =
- to jam =
par. 4
- disturbed =par. 5
- by means of = (one word)
- to put in communication with =
- to force to stop =
par. 6
- to be equipped with =
par. 7
- to wait for =
- very recent = (one word)
- to designate =
- the offender =
- to be rewarded with = |
II - Find out
in the text the English equivalents for / Trouver dans le texte l'équivalent
anglais de |
- sanglotant =
- raconter =
- épreuve terrifiante = par. 1
- rapporter, relater =
- tenter =
- se débarrasser de =
- propriétaire =
- douter de =
- demande insistante = (1 mot)
- ralentir =
- un tout petit peu =
par. 2
- balade =
- soumettre à =
- montagnes russes =
- paniqué =
- freiner =
- embrayage =
par. 3
- quotidien (n) =
- itinéraire =
- saisir (au clavier) =
- se verrouiller =
par. 4
- secoué, encore sous le choc =
- appuyer sur =
- neutraliser =
par. 5
- mettre en contact avec =
- forcer à s'arrêter =
- assoiffé de sang =
par. 6
- article de presse =
- incriminé =
- être équipé de =
- d'un ton supérieur = (1 mot)
- ajouter =
par. 7
- attendre =
- impatience =
- tout dernier, tout récent =
- scandale =
- désigner du doigt, dénoncer (comme) =
- le coupable =
- recevoir en compensation =
- séjour en famille =
Questions / Questions |
a/ What information do we learn
from the byline, dateline and copyright line of the article?
b/ How many incidents are
reported in the article? What make of cars is involved?
c/ Each incident contains a humorous
reference to a film. What are those films?
d/ The journalist keeps using
adjectives denoting fear or grief (chagrin). Draw a list of them.
e/ In the journalist's opinion, who is
actually (réellement) to blame for the second incident: the driver or the
f/ On whose side is the local press?
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© Christian Lassure - EFT
April 21st, 2007 / Le 21 avril 2007
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