Flying Cars Nearly Ready For Take-Off - Corrigé de l'exploitation du texte

First Part (paragraphs 1, 2, 3)

1 - Trouver dans le texte le synonyme de / Find in the text a synonym for

- high-speed road = motorways
- packed with vehicles = clogged
- people driving to work and back = commuters
- aerodynamic = streamlined
- to be on the market = to be available
- what would be needed = what it would take
- to be silent = to be quiet
- to save fuel = to be fuel-efficient
- to keep up = to maintain

2 - Trouver dans le texte l'antonyme de / Find in the text an antonym for

- landing ≠ take-off
- noisy ≠ quiet

3 - Trouver dans le texte la traduction de / Find in the text a translation for

- ingénieur de pointe = leading engineer
- déplacement(s) = travel
- se déplacer = to travel
- être conçu = to be designed
- exiger, demander = to require
- verser un premier acompte = to put down a deposit
- grande société = major corporation

4 - Vrai ou faux ? Justifier sa réponse. / Right or wrong ? Justify your answer.

1/ Skycars are designed to make horizontal take-offs
Wrong! They are designed to make vertical take-offs.
2/ Skycars are designed to drive long distances
Wrong! They are designed to drive short distances.
3/ Skycars will require no special training
Wrong! They will require pilot's training.
4/ Boeing has developed a full scale model of helicopter/car hybrid
Wrong! Boeing has developed a miniature model of helicopter/car hybrid.
5/ Boeing’s flying car will use up a lot of fuel
►Wrong! It will be fuel-efficient.

Second Part (paragraphs 4, 5, 6)

1 - Trouver dans le texte l'équivalent de / Find in the text an equivalent for

- to regulate = to police
- demands, obligations = requirements
- to be able to reach (a speed) = to deliver
- classic, traditional = conventional
- push, propulsion = thrust
- being airborne = lift

2 - Trouver dans le texte la traduction de / Find in the text a translation for

- mettre au point une machine = to develop a machine
- être à l’aise = to be at home
- une hélice = a propeller
- se replier = to fold away
- actionner = to drive

3 - Choisir la bonne traduction. / Choose the right translation.

- to be cut off : 2/ être victime d’une queue de poisson
- to be tail-gated :
2/ se faire coller au train
- to be buzzed :
1/ se faire survoler

4 - Trouver dans le texte l'antonyme de / Find out in the text an antonym for

- every one = no one
- a bottom speed = a top speed
- longer = shorter
- to land = to take off

5 - Vrai ou faux ? Justifier sa réponse. / Right or wrong ? Justify your answer.

1/ There is no need to police the airways if thousands of flying cars enter the skies
Wrong! You could be cut off, tail-gated or buzzed by a flying car.
2/ Researchers are a dozen years away from developing a flying car
Wrong! They are less than two years away.
3/ The top speed will be 70 mph in the air and 140 mph on the road
Wrong! It is the opposite.
4/ The flying car will use a jet engine
Wrong! It will use a conventional propeller.
5/ It will land in a shorter space than take-off in
Right! It will land in a shorter space than take-off in.