(Extrait de : Christian Lassure, L'oral d'anglais au BTS d'informatique industrielle,
DOC (Documents d'anglais technique), No 5, 1994)


Lors de l'épreuve orale, une fois achevé le commentaire de texte, le candidat peut être interrogé sur le stage professionnel qu'il a effectué à l'issue de la première année. Les questions posées à cette occasion sont censées permettre à l'examinateur de juger si le candidat sait s'exprimer dans le domaine de ses futures activités. Ce dernier aura donc intérêt à se préparer, dès la 2e année, à répondre à d'éventuelles questions de cette nature. Pour ce faire, il trouvera ci-dessous une liste de questions devant lui permettre de rédiger un rapport circonstancié de son stage.



l/ In what company did you do your training course? (Give the name and location of the company, describe its activities, products and customers, its workforce and working atmosphere)


Vocabulaire : training course : stage professionel - customers : clients - workforce : personnel, employés - working atmosphere : ambiance de travail

2/ How long did the course last? (Specify when it began and ended and its duration)


Vocabulaire : to last : durer

3/ Who arranged the course for you? Did the company have a record of offering training courses to students?


Vocabulaire : to have a record of + ger. : être connu pour + inf. - to offer a course : proposer un stage

4/ What did you do there? (Give a detailed description of your activities, objectives, procedures, achievements; state whether you had a tutor)


Vocabulaire : achievements : réalisations - to state whether : dire si oui ou non

5/ Were you given a special project to do? If so, describe it at length. (Specify its aims, the number of people working with you, the way it proceeded, the difficulties encountered, and whether the project was successfully completed)


Vocabulaire : aims : buts, objectifs - at length : en détail

6/ What hardware and software did you use? Assess its efficiency for your work.


Vocabulaire : to assess : evaluer - efficiency : efficacité

7/ How did your colleagues treat you?


8/ Did you use any English during the course? If so, when and where?


9/ Did the company offer to take you on permanently?


Vocabulaire : to take on : embaucher

10/ Would you say this course was a useful experience for you? (Give your critical impression of the course)



l/ In what company did you do your training course?

- I did my training course at CGSAT, a small software-development company located in Coignières, with a staff of only 3 persons. The atmosphere there was family-like.

- I did my training course at SOPELEM7SOFRETEC, a Bezons-based company specialising in the development of optronics systems for civilian or military use. It has a 600-strong workforce. The atmosphere was business-like but pleasant.

2/ How long did the course last?

- The course lasted 8 weeks, starting on May 24, 1993 and ending on July 21.

- My course began on May 24, 1993 and ended on July 2nd, lasting 6 weeks.

- The course was supposed to have lasted only six weeks but I was asked to stay on another six weeks.

3/ Who arranged the course for you? Did the company have a record of offering training courses to students?

- The company approached the school for a student trainee. The company offers courses on a regular basis.

- I found the course all alone, by writing the company a letter with an enclosed resume.

- The company is not in the habit of offering courses / It is not customary for the company to offer courses.

- The course was arranged by a friend of mine, who already works in the company.

4/ What did you do there?

- My job consisted in updating a network.

- My main activity was the maintenance of the computers and peripherals of the company.

- I took part in the development of a software program intended to control a camera used for inspecting the cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor.

- I worked under the supervision of a tutor who helped me to do the development work.

- I did not have a tutor, except for the first few days of the course.

5/ Were you given a special project to do? If so, describe it at length.

- I was responsible for updating the company's network and adding a new computer to it.

- I wrote a program for editing error messages on a screen.

- I was asked to create an interface between a plotter and the CATLA CAD/CAM software program. I was helped by a professional developer already working for the company.

- I wasn't assigned any special project as my job was to help any employee faced with a hardware or software problem.

6/ What hardware and software did you use? Assess its efficiency for your work.

- I worked on a 386 PC / a Macintosh / a Unix server.

- I used the C language as a developing tool.

- I used a Turbo Pascal editor and compiler to write the program.

- I was impressed by the processing speed of the 486 PC

7/ How did your colleagues treat you?

- I was treated / They treated me

- well / in a friendly way / in a relaxed manner

- not badly / in a business-like way (avec un sérieux tout professionnel)

- indifferently (avec indifférence) / coldly

- in a hostile manner / badly

8/ Did you use any English during the course? If so, when and where?

- I used my English to read technical documentation.

- I was asked to translate a letter into French.

9/ Did the company offer to take you on permanently?

- The company being very small, it couldn't afford to hire any more programmers.

- I have been offered a post within the company (after completing my studies). I will be given priority over other applicants.

10/ Would you say this course was a useful experience for you?

- The course proved a worthwhile experience for me as it gave me the opportunity to learn a new language and to make friends with professional programmers.

- The course provided me with a chance to get first-hand experience of the working world.

© Christian Lassure - English For Techies


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