FICHE-TYPE POUR RENDRE COMPTE EN ANGLAIS DE SON STAGE PROFESSIONNEL En 2004, alors que je faisais passer l'oral d'anglais à une section de BTS Iris d'un lycée de la région parisienne, je me suis aperçu que les candidats récitaient tous plus ou moins la même leçon. Sur mon insistance, l'un d'entre eux me remit le texte de formules toutes faites qui leur avait été donné par leur professeur d'anglais. On le trouvera ci-dessous car il peut manifestement rendre de grands services aux candidats présents et à venir, en espérant que ces derniers se contenteront d'y puiser des éléments de rédaction et s'abstiendront de l'apprendre par cœur. J'ai ajouté à cette fiche un petit vocabulaire français-anglais relatif au stage professionnel. I - INTRODUCTION ▪ I did my internship with IBM in Paris (or in the Eastern/Western suburbs of Paris, etc.) during the summer 2003. II - THE COMPANY ▪ The Company’s facility is located in a highly industrialized/residential area close to... . ▪ The Company employs 200 staff; among them 25 are part-time employed / have part-time jobs. ▪
The unit where I worked specializes in ▪ Every year, the company recruits a certain number of trainees to help students to get / acquire a larger professionnal experience, but also to take advantage of new talents and to maintain/keep a close contact/link with the world of education / the educational community. III - ACTIVITIES ▪
Basically, as a trainee, I learned how to ▪ Of course, in the 1st week, I was given a tour of the facility to know my way around and understand the activities and strategies of the company. Thus I was given an introduction to the work with the company. ▪ After that, and despite the existence of several departments, I was primarly posted in / appointed to the department responsible for /dedicated to / in charge of the design of... (or I did my internship primarily in the programming department). ▪
My internship mainly consisted in ▪ We worked in groups of 2/3/4 and my tutor helped me to… IV - PERSONAL IMPRESSIONS ▪
I found the experience useful because ▪ Although I learned several useful skills during my internship, I wish I could have seen other parts of the company / I wish I could have spent more time working on new technologies / I wish I could have spent more time on the premises in order to see the results of my work. V - CONCLUSION ▪ In the end, it was a valuable experience because I gained professional expertise / work experience in my particular career field. ▪ What I appreciated most was the atmosphere of trust/confidence and respect between the management and the employees. ▪ I would recommend working at IBM to anyone interested in the development of new computer tools / in computer research, etc. ANNEXE : LE VOCABULAIRE RELATIF AU STAGE PROFESSIONNEL
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