I - COMPRÉHENSION (24/3 = 8 points)

1. True or false? Justify your answers with quotations from the text. (14 points)

a) Future houses will be equipped to produce their own electricity. True: "his own windmill generator and solar panels are putting more energy into the grid than the household is using."

b) The household appliances of the future will be totally reliable. Wrong: "The so-called 'smart fridge' has malfunctioned and the order for milk and bread [...] has not been sent."

c) In Hamstreet, food deliveries used to be left outside the house front door. True: "Food deliveries go in a special lockable box rather than on the doorstep since theft of these increasingly expensive essentials is a growing problem."

d) In 2020 food will contain high levels of preservatives. Wrong: "The clampdown on preservatives in food..."

e) There will be more and more traffic jams in 2020. Wrong: "because of congestion charges and home working, traffic jams are becoming a distant memory."

f) The Environment Agency's vision of the future is not totally pessimistic. True: "The agency's picture of life in Britain in 2020 is not all bad. The air is cleaner, public transport is much better..."

g) Electronic devices will be the absolute answer. Wrong: "Modernising regulation [...] is essential. The electronic devices will merely help us to measure what is going on and prevent our excesses."

2. Find a synonym for these words in the text. (4 points)

a) extremely


b) a loan

a mortgage

c) produced


d) to reduce

to cut down on

3. Fill in the blanks with words from the text. (6 points)

a) In 2020 more houses will be equipped with windmill generators and solar panels.

b) If something hasn't worked correctly, it has malfunctioned.

c) The country's electrical network is called the grid.

d) Congestion charges are what drivers must pay to go into city centres.

e) People must keep sustainable development in mind to preserve the planet in the long run.


II - TRADUCTION (5 points)


Aujourd'hui, on s'attend à ce que Mme Becket dise que la destruction de l'environnement au rythme actuel va menacer à long terme l'ordre et la sécurité au Royaume-Uni. Des millions de gens seront chassés, à la surface de la planète, par les inondations et les sécheresses. Elle a commandé un nouveau rapport sur l'eau et son épuration et un groupe d'action a été mis sur pied pour inciter la Grande-Bretagne au développement durable. Avec ce type d'initiative, chaque maison aura son installation individuelle de purification et de recyclage de l'eau de façon à diminuer les besoins en nouvelles ressources.

© Christian Lassure - English For Techies

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